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Digital Transformation in Government: Innovating Public Policy & Service

The digital tools available to large organizations today are often inferior and harder to use than those available over the web at home. Besides damaging citizens’ confidence in government, this reality can also be demoralizing to employees who feel hamstrung and unproductive.


This is just one of the numerous challenges public agencies confront in a society and economy undergoing a digital transformation. Our new digital era requires a fundamental shift in mindsets and a change in how we live and think.

Since technology is essential to the functioning of government agencies, they must adapt to this evolving environment. That means moving away from conceptual frameworks, organizational models and programs developed decades ago. Instead, they must focus on understanding how digital technology can enhance their operational and policy work. Doing so can lead to success, while failing to do so can lead to debacles like


Technology and the Future of Public Management

Led by expert practitioners, Digital Transformation in Government: Innovating Public Policy & Service provides a framework for understanding the digital world and a roadmap for your organization. In this program, you will:

  • Learn how public agencies can catch up and make the transition to a digital-first paradigm.

  • Explore the impact of digital technologies on policy work, regulation and service provision.

  • Uncover the right questions to ask and methodologies for rethinking strategic planning and operations in a digital-driven world.


Digital Transformation in Government will provide you with:

  • A greater understanding of the rise of digital platforms and the opportunities and challenges they create

  • A framework for procuring and managing large IT projects

  • Insight into how the digital space will inform the future of public policy, from the perspective of governance, operability and user-focused design

  • The ability to best address the political and ethical dimensions of governing in a digital age

  • An understanding of how the use of social media has an impact on public institutions, both from an internal and external perspective

  • An outline of how to help your organization migrate toward becoming digital-first

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